In his desire to make Cameroon a modern State, His Excellency Paul Biya, President of the Republic, Head of State, has decided to endow the Northern Region, like the other nine, with a university institution of reference with Faculties and Grandes Ecoles through Decree No. 2022/003 of January 5, 2022 to create Universities.

In order to facilitate its effective start-up, Decree No. 2022/010 of January 6, 2022 on the administrative and academic organization of the University of Garoua, prescribed continuity by assigning to it the annexes of the Faculties of the University of Ngaoundéré already functional in Garoua.

The University of Garoua is a young wolf with long teeth and great ambitions. The Cameroonian State wants to make it a university institution of high quality. We intend to make this University a pole of excellence through our teaching and research missions which will inexorably be declined in support of the development of our country and the sub-region. Our motto "Scientia, Innovatio, Progressus" commits us to build a temple of knowledge whose influence will go beyond the borders of the national triangle, and even beyond the African and international academic space.

Our university institution wants to be bilingual and is located in a geostrategic environment which projects an inter-university scientific cooperation of mutualization of knowledge with the other university institutions of Cameroon, of the sub-region of Central Africa and at the same time that it aims at positioning itself on the African and international space.

                                                                                                                                                              Professor BOUBAKARI OUMAROU

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