Contacts of the FMSB of the University of Garoua

B.P./P.O. Box : 346 Garoua

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History and Map

Created by presidential decree N°2018/004 of January 08, 2018, the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is the only one located in the North of the country. The operation of the FMSB of Garoua is backed by the strategic plan which reflects its vision, its Missions and institutional objectives for universal medical values.

Vision: the FMSB wants to be a Faculty of Medicine centered on Man and the Living for his individual, community and societal development. Three key words underlie its values ​​and its action.

Quality: this is the state of mind in which the FMSB intends to carry out its institutional missions.

Discipline: in its profile, the FMSB creates a strong and original thematic and institutional identity.

Partnership: the FMSB intends to defend the universal conception of the University, namely the national and international collaboration of teachers, students with companies (hospitals and others) and learned societies around the world.

Operation of the FMSB

The FMSB is tied to the LMD system according to a semester framework of 30 credits with UEs grouped into fundamental UEs of 14 credits, transversal UEs of 6 credits and internship of 4 credits. The credit being the workload (CM, TP, TD, TPE, internship, …) allocated to the teaching of a teaching unit for its validation by the student. NB; the implementation of this system is done by teachers and other permanent, temporary and missionary health professionals.

The training of our students is done in the amphitheatres but also and above all by the so-called hospital and community internships after prospecting by the teachers of the FMSB in priority in the three regions of the Far North of the country. Supervision during the internships is done by health professionals from the said Centers in conjunction with the FMSB, which provides mid-term supervision. The student who goes on an internship knows the activities to be carried out, has an evaluation sheet and must have a notepad or internship notebook (real objective witness of the effective participation of the student in the internship).

Evaluations at the FMSB, there are two exam sessions at the end of the semester (normal session and remedial session), there are also evaluations through the CC (Continuous control), the TD / TP (Tutorials / practical work) and the TPE (personal work (time) of the student).

For internships, they are done through the activity booklet or frame of reference, the evaluation sheet, the supervised follow-up (supervision) at mid-term, the internship notebook and the internship report.

Institutional Missions and Objectives

  • Train a diverse range of health professionals to enable the establishment of effective health and research teams for the sustainable health of the citizen, the community and society. (Transmission of knowledge);
  •  Organize and provide comprehensive biomedical and medico-sanitary services for communities (community service or support, knowledge sharing);
  •  Do research (Knowledge production).

Specific Missions

  1. Train young graduates, health professionals in the grade of:
  • General practitioners (Bac + 7)

In the future days, we will train in the Biomedical and Medical-Sanitary sector.

  • Senior technicians (Bac + 3; License cycle);
  • Engineers (Bac + 5; Master's cycle) in biomedical, nursing sciences, radiology and medical imaging;
  • Doctorate/PhD;

In the medical sector

  • Specialist doctors (bac + 11 or 13)

    B. Acquisition of good knowledge of fundamental human sciences and clinical sciences (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, paediatrics, surgery, radiology and medical imaging, etc.)

Human ressources

The FMSB benefits from:

  • Teaching staff: Professor - Lecturer - Lecturer - Assistant
  • Support staff: Researcher, Monitors etc ...

Les Départements de la FMSB

1) Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging;

2) Department of Ophthalmology, ENT and Stomatology;

3) Gynecology-Obstetrics Department;

4) Department of Microbiology, Parasitology, Hematology and Infectious Diseases;

5) Department of Pediatrics;

6) Department of Public Health;

7) Department of Surgery and Specialties;

8) Department of Morphological Sciences and Pathological Anatomy;

9) Department of Physiological Sciences and Biochemistry;

10) Department of Traditional Medicine and Pharmacopoeia.

First Year Admission

Admission to the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of Garoua is by competitive examination on the basis of a ministerial decree opening the national aptitude exam for training in medical, pharmaceutical and odontostomatological studies. in faculties and private institutes of higher education in Cameroon.

In the medical sector

Access is by national competition launched by MINESUP, which is also responsible for distributing admissions to the various Faculties of Medicine in the country.


  • Diagnosis and medical follow-up of diseases;
  • Diagnosis and surgical follow-up of diseases;
  • Determination of epidemiological factors in a community;
  • Human resource management in a health facility;
  • Management of material resources in a health facility;
  • Holistic care of a cared for person;
  • Self-employment.
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