The University of Garoua, abbreviated UGa, is located in the city of Garoua, capital of the North Region of Cameroon. Its creation was announced by His Excellency Paul BIYA, President of the Republic, Head of State, during his traditional address to the Nation on December 31, 2021. It was therefore effectively created and set up by Presidential Decree No2022/ 003 of January 05, 2022 establishing Universities and by Presidential Decree No 2022/010 of January 06, 2022 on the administrative and academic organization of the University of Garoua.

This institution has 08 establishments. For the moment four (04) Faculties and one (01) Grande Ecole are effectively functional, namely:

  • The Faculty of Law and Political Sciences (FSJP);
  • The Faculty of Economics and Management (FSEG);
  • The Faculty of Education (FSE);
  • The Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (FMSB);
  • The Higher School of Economics and Commercial Sciences (ESSEC).

The other three, namely two (02) faculties and one (01) Grande Ecole are awaiting opening. It is :

  • The Faculty of Arts, Letters and Human Sciences;
  • The Faculty of Sciences;
  • The School of Fine Arts and Innovation Sciences.

Through its motto "Scientia - Innovatio - Progressus", the University of Garoua positions itself at the confluence of science and innovation for development. It aims to be a place par excellence for promoting both theoretical and applied research, the basis of innovation which is the engine of economic, social and cultural progress. It also aims to be a place for promoting pedagogical and didactic innovation by promoting a training model integrating the requirements of a globalized and constantly changing society. Finally, it is intended to be a place for the promotion of civic and responsible youth as the basis for building an exemplary society.

                                                                        Professeur MOHAMMADOU NOUROU                                                 

                  General Secretary

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